Celtic music band
Celtic music band

"Wow, what a discovery! Each song is laden with hooks and melodies that stick in your brain, thanks to songwriter Kirk McLeod, who pens the best lyrics since Phil Lynott. the cheers were deafening." - Independent Mail "Full of hooks, addictive melodies, and precise musicianship, Seven Nations may be the next frontrunners for the summer tour feel-good band of the new millennium." - MusicBlitz Rarely has there been a CD with such variety so skillfully played, a testament to the multi-talented Seven Nations." - Brigid's Feast "Seven Nations is blazing a new path in the "indie" music world for others to follow. A musical force to be reckoned with, Seven Nations' day has come." - Albany Times-Union powerful self-penned tunes and transcendent live shows. you'd be hard pressed to find a more original, unique but accessible group. "Explosive Seven Nations blows Palace into orbit. "Seven Nations taught a crowd of nearly 10,000 one important lesson: bagpipes rock." - Lancaster Intelligencer Journal We want to touch everybody with our music," he continues, "and so far, we have been very, very fortunate." We love American pop and rock and roll, but we also love our Celtic roots. "We are lucky," says McLeod, lead singer/songwriter and founding member of the band, "because we come from two unique cultures.

celtic music band celtic music band

The depth and complexity of SEVEN NATIONS' music is astounding, each listen reveals a deeper layer of intricacy that has been embraced by an ever growing audience. Equally at home in front of 40,000 cheering fans at an international festival, with the widely recognized, Grammy award winning, symphony orchestras, or with 300 fans in a small Midwest club, SEVEN NATIONS has created a truly hybrid sound and transient live show.

Celtic music band